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PR Management for Engineers Australia


Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia


With over 100,000 members, Engineers Australia is the peak professional body for the advancement of engineering in Australia. With thousands of senior volunteers around the country, Engineers Australia wanted to improve the understanding of its transformation programme among this influential group of members. 

We undertook extensive consultation with internal stakeholders, including the CEO, National President and Board members, to determine the issues, opportunities and potential roadblocks to a successful engagement programme.


Engineers Australia adopted our recommendation to run a series of moderated panel discussions around the country featuring a mix of volunteers and senior engineers from business and academia. The aim was to start a national discussion about the need for change and how this would benefit members and Engineers Australia as the key advocate for the profession. 

We coordinated the logistics for 11 forums held in hotels around the country. We sourced and briefed a professional MC, the panelists, and produced the content for the panel discussions. We scripted and produced an introductory video to kick start the discussions. We also coordinated feedback forms from the attendees. 


We produced a detailed Post Roadshow Report containing extensive feedback from attendees, and recommendations for future communication with volunteers. Some of the results included.

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